Somewhere between your parents wedding photos and today, there was an obvious shift in wedding photography from the traditional, posed and set up photographs to a more candid approach focused on real, found moments and interaction. These are the photos that nearly every bride and groom talk about when asked about what they are expecting from their photographers. From our perspective as  wedding photographers, these are the photos that we get excited about as well. These precious moments are fleeting and are not created just by luck.

Of course being in the right place at the right time is a huge part of the process, but it’s our job to anticipate these moments and put ourselves in a position to allow a scene to unfold right in front of the camera.  A lot of it has to do with immersing ourselves in the wedding entourage. Think about it, you are going to be surrounded by your friends, family and all of your closest people in the world… and your photographers. That’s where candid moments are captured, right up close.

Here’s just a few examples from last year.

The Fleeting Moments